Thursday, May 19, 2011

12/21/2012 'Wsup Wit Dat?'‏

What is 2012? Why is it even an issue?
Many believe 2012 is the end of the world as we know it.
The day god strikes down and hits us with the apocalypse.
Wiping out all mankind to start a new beginning.
By scientific investigation it is said that earth is entering its fifth cycle.
In each cycle the earth entered, catastrophic transformations were made.
One of the major reason for this events is the cause of pole shifting
between the north pole and the south pole.
Moving and causing large bodies of land to shift and break apart, there fore causing
dangerous tsunamis, tornadoes, and earthquakes.
The Mayans predicted doomsday, 12/21/2012.
The Mayans civilization began 400,000 years ago
They learn how to measure time by the movement of the stars
by creating their own astrological calendar.
They were able to predict hurricanes and tornadoes.
It is believed that the Mayans also experience their own 2012.
In the Mayans calendar this astrological event is carved in stone and it ends on 12/21/2012.
Scientist and researchers measured every 26,000 years our planet will line
up with the sun and the center of the milky way.
That's the gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius meets with the center of the milky way.
And in case you did not know the center of the milky way is a giant black hole.
On December 21, 2012 is the day of these events in our solar system suppose to take place.
N.A.S.A knew of this since 1983.
They leaked to the press they see the earth getting hit with a catastrophic solar blast.
And the formation of the Sun and the milky way gravitational pull will cause the
earth to shift in rotation causing chaos here on earth. There will be unmentionable horrors going on our planet, It is believe we might be seeing three days of total darkness. The magnetic force created by this events will wipe out our satellite systems rendering us defenseless and with out power.
Should we be worried of the pole shifting that awaits us.
A pole shift can prove to be catastrophic or
even the solar blast NASA has predicted.
And why haven't we been hearing further on this events? Is it if we knew the truth the population will kill themselves with chaos and violence. Should we be worried? Why is NASA in such a hurry to find a planet that can sustain life, and might have found one outside our solar system.
Will man be part of the new world, or will we have to seek life else where? Who is to decide who stays behind and who lives? Don't we have the right to know! So why are we not hearing about it?
The Mayans, Nostradamus, and Albert Einstein all predicted this events for 2012. Is this earth fifth cycle of renewal?
Is 2012 the day of Armageddon and are the prophecies being fulfilled?
Is the book of Revelation upon us and is the Apocalypse near?
Even if we survive 2012 will we survive 2039. Now confirmed the 10th planet Nibiru is on coarse with the earth riding right by us. Are we doom either way? Only time will tell. 'Wsup Wit Dat?'

I Am Not A Piece Of Meat"Wsup Wit dat?"‏

Hey check this out.  The other day I was just getting out of work, you know the usual. So I'm walking home just listening to some jams minding my own business. When this car on the opposite lane stops and this guy says," excuse me, hey you excuse me." I stop and thought he might want some directions. So I say,"Wsup?" He then winks and blows me a kiss saying,"hmm hmm baby you fine as hell, wsup let me get your number." I was like, man keep moving. So I kept on walking, yo I notice this Kat followed me for a block. I look over at him and dude was making these faces, you know the faces. The dam You fine as hell face. So I'm like, Yo man WTF,  get the fuck out of here before I kick your fucking ass. He sped up and turn left on the corner. So now I'm thinking cool this bitch is gone. I'm walking, thinking, Dam that dude made me feel uncomfortable the way he was looking at me. I mean if it was a female, that's cool and flattering, But this was a guy, No Way Jose! It felt so creepy. So I am walking and nearing the intersection and when I came to the crossroads guess who is there waiting for me at the intersection. Dam, that's right it was Mr. Stalker. He just kept staring at me with that face. So I cursed him out and shot him the bird and kept on walking. I tell you what after that he circled the block two more times and then was gone. That was not cool, I really actually felt violated and felt like a piece of meat. Now "Wsup Wit Dat?"

Life Can Be So Unfair Some times'Wsup Wit Dat'‏

You know after this weekend, I think I once again got a wake up call in a story of a game so called life.
Life some times we all take it for granted. I mean is it really that bad when we get sick, or when we fall into an addiction! Going through some hard times and bad divorces can be pretty rough.
You know some times  we fall but we always have the choice of getting back up.
But now what if you wasn't given a choice to get back up.
This weekend I had the pleasure of meeting a very strong woman.
Her name I will not mention it because I promised her I wouldn't.
But I am going to tell her story, I may not know much about her,
But what she is going through and what she just went through this weekend I do know.
This woman I am going to call her Heavens Angel and she just found out three months ago that she got Lupus.
And the doctor gave her a time frame of five to fifteen years to live.
So her ex-husband sends her down to Florida for her to gather her thought and be at one with herself.
I actually met her the first day she got here, but we really didn't talk.
She rented a room in The place where my secret lover stays which is in Ft. Lauderdale.
Well after partying all Friday night me and my secret lover come home the next Saturday afternoon to a crying woman. Omg we were so tired and they room mate together so she tells me to chill in the living room, which
I do and started watching some t.v. Well when my secret lover comes out she got a look of concern in her face. I ask her what's wrong and she tells me that heavensAngel just got brutally raped by her boyfriend for hours and hours. I ask her if it happen here and what is she going to do about it. She says it happened at his place and she blames herself and not going to do anything about it.
Okay I finally got to chill in the room and slowly but surely I wanted to talk to her because maybe I can help her. So she finally comes in the room and starts putting some of her clothes in suit cases and I could see the hurt and shame on her face. I ask her if she's okay and she said she was okay, So then I say,'I'm sorry for what happen to you' and she broke out crying saying omg I can't believe she told you. After a while I guess she notice that we had good intentions. So little by little we did some talking, so later that night We invited her for a walk just to get some air. Omg she was so scared saying please don't leave me, please don't leave me.
I assure her that we are not going to ditch her, so she finally agrees. So I started sharing some of my life's stories with her and read her some of my poetry. After that she was comfortable with me just conversating with me and sharing her thoughts. Is then When she confided in me and tells me all about herself and what she is going through. What kinda of a person this guy have to be to do this to a slowly dying woman. He knew of her and her situation. This guy beat her, choked her and brutally raped her for hours and hours and should be behind bars. Poor woman she has to deal with just the thought of dying and leaving her children behind mother less. Heavens Angel I hope you do the right thing and get this guy behind bars.
Much love and respect from me to you. So people next time you think your life is bad, just remember it could be worst. Some times life can be so unfair,"Wsup Wit Dat?"

‘Racism Is Alive And Well’ “Wsup Wit Dat?”‏

First of all, I am not a racist; but I am a racist because I discriminate against racist people. What Is Racism? It’s not a white and black thing.Racism is to be prejudice or discriminate against any one who is from another Nationality,Ethnicity or different color other than of their own. Racism is an on going problem that threatens our world till this day. Why can’t we all just get along? We were all made from the same elements of this earth. We all came from the first two people to habitat the earth. As the human race kept growing, many went their own ways to start new lives and new beliefs in other parts of the world. Within time those people populated the places where they chose to live creating their own language, rules and their own beliefs. At the moment we are over populated with hundreds and hundreds of different races and nationalities. And we always hear in the news, stories of racism related events. Well the reason I am writing this is because I also experience it first hand in a couple of occasions. I tell you what, it is not a good feeling, and it brings out a rage in you that you actually really want to hurt or even kill some one. But there been many situations that I seen on social network sites Racism at its best. Omg on MySpace im it some times gets real bad. You see people calling others Niggers, Spics, Crackers, Chinks, Faggots, and the list goes on and on. And it was surprising not just to see it from the older people but many of the younger generation as well. I think this is going to be an on going problem with no end. Like I said this world is over populated and the numbers are growing every second. There are too many ignorant people out there who have been taught to hate from a very young age and are set in their ways. There is the KKK, A group of white people who discriminate against any one that is not of a white American race. There are the Black panthers that are against the white man. I’ll tell you what I say at times to some of my friends in little conversations that we have had, I say,” in the far future this problem is going to end because there is not going to be a pure person in this world, and what I mean with that, every one is going to be of many different nationalities. Yep we all are going to be mutts. If in the future you fine some one that is only of one ethnicity, well that person will be on display at some local museum or zoo for the fact that it will be a rare thing. But for now in the present time; racism is alive and well,”Wsup Wit Dat?” ‘Racism is alive and well’ “Wsup Wit Dat?”

"Osama Bin Laden Is Dead,"the black man did it?"‏

Omg, all over the web the biggest news is Osama Bin Laden is dead.
All in all is great news. One of the U.S problems has been
eliminated and now we can feel a little safer and have some of
our troops come home safe. But now it's turning into a color issue.
Why is it when one problem ends people always seem to escalate to another?
"The black man did what the white man couldn't do" I guess these issues
of the past were and are never really in the past for we never let it die.
Why can't we just be happy as human beings that this problem has been
eliminated and one of our worst nightmares is over? The man who is
responsible for 9/11, the man that you seen in terrorist video footage
training very young soldiers to be killing machines and to raise war
against the U.S. The man who uses his own people as pawns
in this game so called life. The man that has people in private lock
sanctuaries who knows nothing else but to be a human suicide bombs.
The man who could have probably had started WW111.
This asshole is fucking dead; lets celebrate because one of Satan's
spawn has died. We are now safe for the moment be. And who killed him,
"the black man did what the white man couldn't do!"
have you forgotten of all the brave man and woman who were put on the
line to keep us safe? It could be one of your friends or a family member.
The U.S security of defense is who we should be thanking for this,
for it was them who eliminating the nuisance. I for one voted for Obama
because Hilary had dropped out of the presidential race and I felt we
needed a change. And i believe Obama made it as president do to the
fact that he held the most votes from the bigger majority of the black
and Latino race. I am not saying he is not a good president; he is
looking out and is trying his best. It's not props to the black man
is much props to the man Obama for doing his job.
So please people stop your ignorant ways and let the color issue go.
Because you are contributing to part of this racial War. Remember
it wasn't the black man, and it wasn't the white man, it was our great nation
of defense. Why does it all have to be a color thing, now,'Wsup Wit Dat?"

"Wsup Wit Dat Moment"

What is it on that morning ride to work.
When you are getting ready in the morning, things are kinda hectic.
Me I put my lunch to pre-heat.
While it pre-heats I jump in the shower.
Now my ride picks me up at seven, my alarm goes of at six.
Ten minute shower,
Twenty minutes to find and put on my clothe.
Fifteen to prepare and bag my lunch.
Ten minutes to walk and feed the dog.
Now giving me five minutes to check my emails.
When my ride shows up,
 I turn off my computer and off to work I go.
In the van I say my wsup's,
Very little convo in the morning.
As we get on the interstate.
Sitting there just watching other cars ride past us.
It's kinda hypnotic, Time seems to just have taken a chill pill.
Sitting there watching the world go by.
It's so relaxing. Just daydreaming,
Putting your thoughts together.
You see things more prospectively.
I look back at the guys.
And they are in the same world. Just sitting there looking out the window.
Hmm, I wonder what people could be thinking.
Every head is a different world.
Yes, I like these morning rides to work.
And tomorrow will be no different, It's cool, But "Wsup Wit Dat?"
Alright guys, we are here. Lets do this.
Ttys, ready to go to work.

Don't Assume I Speak No English,"Wsup Wit Dat?"

"Wsup Wit Dat?"
I am almost done with my probation,
So they move the probation office in the bank of America building.
Okay so I go to the building,
As I near the door,
This old white guy is opening the door to leave.
As we bypass each other.
I say,"wsup, how are you?".
He said he don't speak Spanish.
I said,''I wasn't speaking Spanish,''
He says,"No, no I don't understand,
Speaking with his hands also.
I said,''What ever!"
He said,''the probation office is upstairs.''
Now if I wasn't going to the probation office it would have bothered me.
But it's like,":what I can't be going to the bank".
Why a Chico automatically is looking for the probation office.
"Wsup Wit Dat?"

''Please Respect My Page'' Wsup Wit Dat?"

I was cruising some profiles on tagged. Now I seen a couple of profiles were the woman are totally wearing very little to leave to the imagination and posing in some really sexual positions. I read some of their information and some of their answers to the question they were asked. And the responses were explicit. Don't get me wrong it's all good. But now if your looking just to have some online fun, it's all good. Now for the others that are looking for some thing serious, Well that's not the way to go. Because every guy that respond will say what ever he has to to get some action of any kind. Most of the time they don't even bother to read your profile, for the fact that the picture does all the talking, therefore labeling you not as a person but as a piece of meat.And then I read further And I read please respect my page."Wsup Wit Dat?" (Much Love And Respect)

Why do men and women cheat?"Wsup Wit Dat?"

Why do men and women cheat?''I think men and
women cheat out of love and lust. Lust and physical attraction being
a bigger percentage of the time. Some times we are happy with
what we got and would not do any thing to hurt that person. Even
though you have real love for some one, the temptation of the
forbidden pleasure is stronger. that sense of adventure and the like
 of being desired by the opposite sex overwhelms us. Physical
attraction and lust for another is built within us, that's one of the
many tools of the devil. it affects both men and women. for those of
us that don't pursue the desire, in our minds we are thinking it when
we are getting intimate with our mate. So physically we are not
cheating but mentally we are. But then that's a failure all on its own.
For we grow so accustom to being a certain way.
That we are already jeopardizing a relationship before it even
began. All of the sudden It turned into the battle of the sexes.
Woman being scarred by cheating men, and men being scarred
by cheating woman. Each gender Being so distorted by the
opposite sex. making some most comfortable dating within their own
sex. "Wsup Wit Dat?". but of coarse that is my opinion.

Was there ever a Adam and Eve,"Wsup Wit Dat?"

Question, Was there ever a Adam or Eve? ''Wsup Wit Dat'' In the bible it says, ''Man was created in the image of God''. I believe this to be true. But only after evolution. So it says, 'Eve was made from a rib of a Adam to accompany him on his journey''. And it was Eve who initiated the disobedience of God's word. Okay, now lets see this from a different picture. If there was an Adam and Eve and they were the only two, who is to say it was Adam who was made from the rib of Eve and it was Adam who initiated the disobedience. Or maybe they were made simultaneously and they both initiated the disobedience. Who's to say? Anthropologist found ancient fossils of prehistoric dinosaurs, man and woman in all parts of the world. Which is scientific proof for all to see on display at various museums. So we know there was dinosaur, And there was caveman and cavewoman. Now even at the very Beginning prehistoric man was stronger than woman, and better hunters, they dominated the female species. They beat them and took from them sexually, physically and mentally in their grunts. Okay its the same situation now. I'm speaking of the woman that is being abuse from her husband, The woman that has been made to believe that she is worthless. Okay that's how the caveman had their woman believing. It was man who set them in their place. So now man has claimed his spot as the stronger and more dominate of the two. And it went on like this for decades and decades. Now every point after Adam and Eve I believe. You know the story of Jesus, Moses, and every thing there and so on I truly believe. So was there really an Adam or Eve? Or was it written by a religious man who also believed that man was the superior being there for making the female at fault.? Did Man ''WRITE'' his spot on the Thrown cause he considered him being the most dominate , physical, smarter of the two species? Who's to say? *So Wsup Wit Dat* (Much Love And Respect)

He's dress more fly than me, ''Wsup Wit Dat?''

He's dress more fly than me, ''Wsup Wit Dat?'' One afternoon after work I decided to go to the corner store and get some thing to munch on. at my arrival at the convenience store there was this guy around his early twenties just standing there. He was wearing a dirty slightly torn overcoat with some dirty sweat pants to match. When I walked by him he said, 'Excuse me sir can you spare some change, I am hungry and need some thing to eat. while he's asking me he squints his eyes, his voice goes to a soft plea with his lips pouty you can't help but to have pity for the guy. I mean if the kid was acting he did an awesome job. I said '' No problem boss, let me go to the store first and I will get you on the way out. As I got to the store I made my purchase, And walked outside and gave him a five. He said ''thank you''. and I went on my way. Later that night I wanted to go back to the convenience store to get some thing to drink. Well on my arrival, guess who's standing there? ''Yep'' the same kid. as I walked past him, again he ask me in the same manner, It now felt more like a script. I bet he didn't even realized I was the same guy who hooked him up earlier. So I said sorry bro, can't do it. and went in the store to do my purchase as I was standing in line. The homeless guy was out there in the parking lot going up to people asking them for change. It's all good the kid is doing what he got to do to survive. Well like a hour later I walk over to my friends house to play some Xbox 360. We chilling, playing games and just shooting the breeze. I step outside in his front yard to make a phone call. I am strait cool with my convo when all of a sudden I seen a familiar face walking up the street. Only he was still in a distance and I couldn't make out who it was but he looked so familiar. As he kept getting closer I could see this guy was all geared up from head to toe, nice shoes and nice clothe. He was clean and walked with confidence. As he passes on the street in front of the house I am sitting. it came to me why that face was so familiar to me. It was the kid from the corner store. All I had to say to myself is' 'Wow he's got that gig down good''. And then I think, He's dress more fly than me, ''Wsup Wit Dat?

Who's to say you have to drink at a bar? "Wsup Wit Dat?''

  • Wow! Last night was my homeboy's. So he wanted to go to a bar to shoot pool and ask me and my room mate to ride along. Now I am thinking cool, but it's not a good idea. So I declined, As the day went on  I am thinking why can't I go to a bar and shoot some 
    pool. I don't necessarily need to drink, Who's to say you have to 
    drink at a bar. So the room mate said homeboy is coming over in 
    thirty to pick him up and ask me if I was going, So I said yes I am. 
    So I took a shower and got geared up. When My ride showed up I 
    was hyped and ready. At arrival they walked to the convenience 
    store next door and I walked directly to the bar.
    At the bar I ask the bartender for some change to play some pool.
    He ask what else , I then said ''Hey I am at a bar, let me get a 
    Budweiser'' I figured one drink would be cool nothing to get worried 
    about. So I grabbed my drink and set up the pool table. When my 
    peeps walked in one went to the bar and the other joined me in a 
    game of pool. It was cool, the atmosphere was happening, I was 
    vibing. My friend showed up with three shots of grey goose and ask 
    us to toast with him, I said no I can't sorry man, He said '' come on 
    bro it's my birthday'' I said'' Shit alright then'' And we took the shot. I 
    am not a liquor fan But toasting one here and there cool. I then 
    walked outside and texted and called a couple of friends in hopes 
    to get a nice pep talk to keep me leveled. I was talking to a friend 
    when my phone just died. I looked at the phone and thought wow I 
    know my phone was fully charge maybe this night was meant to 
    happen. So I went back indoors and continued the night. I had a 
    blast we were drinking pitcher after pitcher and shot after shot. 
    Vibing mingling with the crowd. Okay this morning I awoke just 
    great I walked to Mc Donald's and got me some breakfast, I think I 
    was still vibing from last night . Like two hours later ''OMG'' Was I 
    feeling it, My head is throbbing and I am a little dazed and feel like 
    throwing up. With out a clue in a world if every thing went okay last 
    night, Because when I drink it's not a pretty picture. I remember 
    clips of me walking home and that's all. I looked in my wallet and 
    there  was eighty dollars missing, Which means to me I did eighty 
    dollars worth of drinking not to mention what my peeps bought and 
    believe me I am paying for it. So I remember me saying right before 
    we went to the bar, Quote' 'why can't I go to a bar and shoot some 
    pool. I don't necessarily need to drink, Who's to say you have to 
    drink at a bar?'' Was I lying to myself? Wsup Wit Dat!'' (Much Love 
    And Respect)

What is it with texting or messaging some one?''Wsup Wit Dat?'

What is it with texting or messaging some one? We all love to text message, chat with some one it could be a friend, family or a significant other. But I am more focusing on friends and significant others. Is like you text each other back and forth, You share personal and not so personal information with each other. And even though at times you don't know each other and stay states and states apart, just that one on one you have on a continuos basis creates some sort of bond with one another. You grow compassion for that person for the fact that you get to learn more from that person life's journey and what they have gotten out of it or even accomplished. It's like once you spoken''message'' someone a couple of times, You can get past it all and really see the true beauty and intelligence one has inside. I think for one to have a healthy relationship one must really get to know each other mentally. Know every thing about that person. That way there will be no surprises, But this only works with true honesty. Yes being really honest is the key factor here. I know there are alot of fake people out there who just play games, Hey it's a big world populated by millions and millions, I think the ratio of honest people fall at 40/60, 40 being honest and the other 60 well, We already know. My point is if you looking just for fun well go for it, But if you are looking for some thing serious well, this is were your life's training goes to work, Use your head and not your eyes, listen closely and ask questions. Example> My friend and I was on a chatroom he started chatting with this gorgeous girl who was 24 and called Barbie, it seems like they hit it of pretty well. so for the next to two weeks at work, This homeboy would be texting almost all through out the day on a continuos basis. And through out that time she was hesitant about pics. he maybe got like two. Well one night I open up my myspace page then all of a sudden she sends me a message we get to talking and now we chatting, you know she was kool. Well me being a ''Sagatarius'' I was curious and observant and I decide to check out her profile to get some 411. So my curiousity and observation deal paid of cause Barbie was a 19 year old white gay male. When I told my friend he was sad, embarrassed and pissed and we contributed by teasing him, Oh it was a field day for me I was at one point I thought homeboy was going to cry, lmao. This story can be viewed in several Scenarios But that just goes to show you just how fake people can be. I am very open and honest when I text or message some one, because I know who I am and who I am inspired to be. I am like an open book, You wanna read? Or better yet wanna text! Lmao ''Wsup Wit Dat?''

''The Atheist'' "Wsup Wit Dat?''

It is said that in order to keep the world civilized religion had to be installed. In order to give people some thing to believe in! So it says that the bible is just a book written 'literally'' by man and not by the will of God. It says Man and woman did not come from Adam and Eve, but take the scientific route; man came from the water evolving into primate and so on. The whole world and its laws and religion are engineered all by the nation's security ''Man''.
All I have to say ''To each its own''I grew up A Jehovah Witness, I remember my father never went to church not even till this day. He believes in God and supports my mother's faith. But when I was a little Chico my brother and I were forced to go to church, we use to fall asleep and play allot not paying attention. I thought about it and think if my father would have went to church with us we might have been more disciplined in the religion. At the moment my Aunt and mother come over my place every Thursday at 5: to give me bible study. Now even though I grew up Jehovah witness I never considered me one.
So I let my teachers know at the very beginning that I have no plans on joining the team, but will like the bible study. And the reason is, I think the religion is great, let's just say I think they play it to safe. They don't wear crosses and don't believe in holidays or birthdays. I personally have a problem with that.But that is a whole other topic.Now please don't hate me or judge me for saying this But this is a stoner moment. Now scientifically man came from primates evolving into the first caveman. Now it says man was created in the image of God. Cave man + god = not a pretty picture, lol. Now,"Wsup Wit Dat?"